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04/01/2008: ""
Well, Bev was our first goat to freshen. Yesterday afternoon saw the arrival of 2 cute little billy kids.
I will have to find the camera and get some pics up.
I finally got around to rebuilding the vacuum pump and have that running, but have yet to get a claw for milking goats. I found a dairy equiment dealer that has a bit of goat experience and will have to run over there and see what he has for parts.
Still lots of snow on the ground and we seem to get a bit every few days that has to melt off before the old stuff can resume melting. But the bare ground is gaining.
Seed potatoes arrived at the feed mill so I'll have to stop in there this week and get some.
Tammy got a deal on some blueberry bushes and those will get planted soon (I hope). The folks are drastically reducing their raspberry patch so we will get a bunch of those along with some pie cerry bushes when we can.