More little kids showed up this weekend. Gwen gave birth to 2 nice little bucks Sat night. Having problems getting the camera to upload pics to the computer so pics will have to wait.
Got the vacuum pump set up and piped over to the barn side of the garage. We talked to a guy that milks goats and he said to try using a cow claw with a really narrow bore inflation so we bought some stuff and tried it out. Bev didn't mind a bit when we hooked her up. Gwen might be more of a problem since she isn't as well behaved but it looks like it will work. Misty is gettting fatter and we hope to see some kids from her soon Hope we get a doe or two.
I picked up a hay crimper at an auction a while back and am getting that ready to go. Also picked up another baler for a good price that I hope to sell. We also bought a really nice enclosed trailer about 5x8 for 100 bucks that will be nice for hauling calves and goats around.
Still pretty wet out in the garden and fields. Snowed yesterday. We have 35 pounds of seed potatoes waiting to go in the ground and lots of stuff started waiting as well.
sammyd on 04.29.08 @ 06:06 AM CST [link]