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01/09/2006: "More chicks"
Here are the girls under their brooder.
I started out with 100 CornishxRock hens and bought 30 Heavy Brown hens from a buddy.
As chicks they fit Ok in this small coop but they were glad later as I built their pen outside.
I bought all hens because the cornish will get big no matter the sex and I originally only had plans for them.
I was going to butcher 75 and keep 25 for laying.
A week after I got them in my buddy bought over 1000 heavy brown hens and I decided to buy 30 from him and butcher all the cornish.
This turned out to be a better plan as the cornish really eat and the few we kept longer weren't laying even though the browns were.
Next year I plan on custom raising the cornish for people who want farm fresh chicken. We'll see if that will provide a little income.
I butchered most of the cornish at 8 lbs and kept a few up to 10 or 12 for turkey replacements. They were a hit at Thanksgiving and Christmas.